Yes, busy has hit and I am missing my scraproom! I haven't scrapped in two weeks and it's about to kill me!...but I have big big plans for Thurs. I've got all these ideas just running through my head and I just know that I'm going to forget them due to the mad cow!
I have made some tags and a few Christmas cards...not near what I wanted to get made.
And some may receive their cards late...but that's ok...right?
My whole world is just out of whack right now. It seems we've gone to Wichita Falls every weekend to do a little shopping for the past month. Before that I was driving out to Joy to mom and dad's... which I must report they are both just doing remarkable. Once they finally discovered what was wrong with my daddy and started the proper medication... well he says he hasn't felt this good in a long time and I can really tell a difference in him!
Anyway, now I'm coming to work 30 minutes early.... missing lunch at home most days, and then getting home 45 minutes later than usual. You don't realize how much those couple of hours matter....but they do .... and when you've got 100 things to accomplish already, it just doesn't leave any time to go hide away in the Room! Plus the poor room is just a mess right now. I started trying to rearrange things a bit. You know how that is...before it gets better there will be a huge huge mess! Well, I'm at the mess stage right now.... there is hope though!
David's mother will be in Wed and stay until Sunday. I'm so looking forward to seeing her. She is such a sweet woman and I enjoy spending time with her. The kids will all arrive sometime on Christmas Day. It hit me last night that I'm going to need to feed them! I told David, oh my it's on us... he said yes... we have moved into that stage of our lives haven't we. Can anyone say bologna sandwiches?
While I haven't been in my room to play in way too many days... here are two more pages from mom's book that I had gotten done. These are mom when she was a baby! I was so excited to do these and play with some bright pretty girly colors.

While I am really happy with the layout above, this one below I'm not! I struggled and struggled with this one...moving things around and it just never would look right to me.

I noticed before doing this layout that all of my pages seem to start from the left side of the page and flow right.... so I thought I needed to change things up.... move outside of my comfort zone so to speak... and I'll start from the right and flow left. It was horrible! I felt backwards the whole entire I was driving on the wrong side of the road! Would this page have been different if I had started on the left and flowed right? Who knows. I really do not think that is the problem at all. I just couldn't seem to get the photos to
pop if you know what I mean. No matter what I tried... and the more I added to that area, the more it seemed to hide the pictures. When I look at that layout all I see are flowers... I have to hunt to see the pictures and I do not like that. Yet if I take the flowers away... it looks naked. I have a feeling this layout is not finished... it has just been put to the side until I can get some new perspective on it.
Sometimes you need to know when to walk away.... and sometimes you need to stay on the right side of the road!
Thanks for stopping by. Wishing you all a safe 4 days before Christmas.
Remember to take a moment and be thankful for all your blessings.