Wednesday, April 9, 2014

always be my mother

texting conversation with Matthew yesterday... 4/7/14

Matt: we are heading to the city soon as K is off to shop.

Me:  OHMYGOSH, your baby is about to be one!!!

Matt: Yes she is, crazy how 1 year has went by in a snap.

Me:  Crazy how almost 27 and 25 years have gone by.  (that's how old he and Jessica are going to be)

Me:  Did you ever think you could love someone as much as you love that little girl?

Matt: Nope! Thought my mother would always be it.

Yep! right there, I got tears in my eyes! Love that boy!!  and yes, even if he is almost 27 and has a child of his own, he is still a boy to me!!

and because I have to have pictures when I post..... an afternoon at the farm!


courtney said...

I don't know what is sweeter, that conversation or those pictures!
My favourites are the one with your mom and the 4th picture down. The one where she's standing there with ever the slightest hint of attitude. Precious!

Sondra said...

Awwwww... Remember the conversation the next time you want to choke him.

Your little cupcake is just the absolute cutest thing! I could look at pictures of her all day long. (so keep sharing) :o)